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    Trader Joe’s Lavender Salt Scrub Review

    I have to say this: I LOVE skincare products (I guess if I didn’t, I would be an esthetician)….you know how some people can’t say no to a new pair of shoes or a purse? That’s how I feel about scrubs, masques, serums, etc., especially if it smells good or contains some awesome natural ingredients. I try to stay away from products that contain lots of fillers, dyes, and fragrances because I tend to be very sensitive and a lot of things make my skin itchy. I also don’t care for products with a strong, artificial scent because they can make my allergies act up. So when I find items…

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    What Are Free Radicals? How Do They Age You?

      It seems like the topic of free radicals is everywhere you turn. Magazines talk about it, and skincare and makeup companies claim that their products contain “free radical fighting ingredients.” Now that’s all very nice, but it got me thinking: What exactly is a free radical? I’m not a scientist, but when clients come to me with questions about free radicals I want to be informed and knowledgeable enough on the subject to be able to discuss it intelligently. THE FREE RADICALS EXPLAINED A free radical is essentially an oxygen molecule in the body that has become damaged while interacting with other damaged molecules. In other words, the other…

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    Enzymes in Skincare – What Are They & Why Should I Use Them?

    By: Adriana M. Perez, L.E. Is the fall weather drying out your skin and leaving it looking dull, feeling tight, and making fine lines appear deeper than they actually are? You may be tempted to avoid any type of exfoliation and slather on a heavy moisturizer, but this may not always be the best solution. Not All Exfoliation Is Good For Your Skin Gentle, year-round exfoliation (once a week for norma/dry skin, once or twice a week for oily/acneic skin) will prep your skin to better absorb treatment products that you apply afterward – resulting in hydrated, glowing, and healthy skin. People often tell me that they rub harsh and abrasive…

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    How to Choose the Right Skincare Products

      By: Adriana M. Perez, L.E. Purchasing skincare kits can be very convenient: they take the guess work out of figuring out what products go with what (and how they can make your skin look better), and they are usually cheaper than buying each product separately. As convenient as these kits can be, there are a few other things to consider when choosing your skincare products. SKINCARE KITS All too often I find that predetermined kits are much too “cookie cutter.” One or two products in the kit may address a few of your skincare issues, but the other products may not necessarily be appropriate for you. For instance, an…

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    How to Spot Treat a Breakout

    It happens to the best of us. You wake up one morning to find a huge zit for the whole world to see right in the middle of your forehead, on the tip of your nose, or in my case right now (which is exactly why I’m writing this post): on your chin. I don’t break out as often as I used to when I was younger, but once in a while a big one sprouts up and must be handled. There are several ways to deal with a breakout, and usually I just let it run its course. Although for some reason this one is bothering me. 3 REASONS…

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    How to Treat Hyperpigmentation & Dark Spots

    Dark spots, sunspots, hyperpigmentation – whatever you call it, excess pigmentation on your skin is never fun to deal with, and can oftentimes be a huge point of concern for many people. WHAT CAUSES HYPERPIGMENTATION? If you spent too many years out in the sun unprotected, you may eventually come to a point (usually around your mid to late 20s) when all of that excess pigmentation starts to surface. Or (if your skin behaves like mine does), you dread every little breakout that you get because you know a dark mark is going to be left behind. Other factors behind excess pigmentation (aka “hyperpigmentation”) can be related to hormones –…